
Business Central April Release: Our Top Picks

Business Central April Release: Our Top Picks

Microsoft has released a new update to Dynamics 365 Business Central, and we’re pretty excited. The extensive improvements added to the software make it an even more powerful tool with a smoother and fresher experience that puts the end-user at the top of the list. Don’t fancy reading through hundreds of pages of updates but want to know the improvements that matter to you? We’ve done the reading for you and have shortlisted our top three picks from the April release notes which we think you ought to know, so sit back and get ready to give your business a competitive edge.

For the most detailed of searches

No longer are your searches confined to 50 characters, which can make it difficult to find exactly what customer, vendor, item, contact, or resource card you’re looking for. Now you can enter up to 100 characters in all description and name fields and up to 50 characters in the Unit of Measure Description field.

Quick Entry

For NAV users, completing order records, digitising receipts or registering new items is a laborious yet vital role. And when desktop users find themselves working mouse-free, navigating through every field via tab key not only unnecessary for non-essential fields, but it also becomes much more time-consuming. In this release of Business Central, the simple yet mighty Quick Entry feature enables users to create a personalised path to navigate through their required fields, cutting entry time in half.

Inventory counting made simple

For asset-intensive companies, your inventory is your core asset, therefore keeping track of your stock is one of the most important requirements for your business. With previous processes relying on journals, which made tracking larger-scale inventory laborious, this update introduces The Physical Inventory Order page to keep inventory counting organised and The Physical Inventory Recording page which helps to capture and communicate the actual counting of items. Both pages address the gaps in the existing functionality for inventory tracking processes and will undoubtedly increase productivity and user experience.

It’s the little things that make a big difference

Whilst there were no ground-breaking updates in the April release of Business Central, it’s the slow rollout of increased functionality and improved features made with the end-user in mind which make a notable difference to your Business Central experience. If you’re interested in finding out how Business Central could make a difference to your business, simply get in touch.

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